9 Hybrid Cloud Advantages and Disadvantages

Hybrid Cloud Advantages and Disadvantages in 2022

What are hybrid cloud advantages and disadvantages in 2022?. In this digital era, cloud computing has become an important component in doing business.

This can be seen from the increasing use of cloud computing at home and abroad. Cloud computing has several cloud models such as private cloud, public cloud, multi cloud, and hybrid cloud.

These models are not new and have been widely discussed by the public. Especially the hybrid cloud which has been busy lately.

Even so, for those of you who just intend to apply hybrid cloud. It is very important to have an in-depth understanding of hybrid cloud starting from understanding and its advantages and disadvantages.

What is Hybrid Cloud ?

Hybrid cloud is a cloud computing model which is a combination of private cloud and public cloud. Using a hybrid cloud means combining these two different cloud computing models together.

Generally, companies will combine their cloud on premise with public clouds from the same or different cloud providers.

Hybrid cloud is one solution for organizations that want to implement cloud technology from Public Cloud and Private Cloud.

Through the Public Cloud, users can move applications that are not critical, or applications that require large resources.

Instead, companies can choose a Private Cloud solution to store their critical data and assets to make them more secure because they can be managed on their own.

By implementing Hybrid cloud, companies can still get scalability, speed, and performance.

Why use a Hybrid Cloud?

A company, especially those dealing with broad services requires two servers that can be accessed by the public and which can only be accessed by internal people.

For example, a company uses a public cloud for registration systems, websites, applications and so on. Meanwhile, they use a private cloud to store and process important client data, financial records, and others.

With a Hybrid cloud, the company can run every need safely and efficiently according to the proper workload.

Hybrid Cloud Advantages

Hybrid Cloud Advantages

Each technology certainly has advantages and disadvantages of each. As users, we must be careful in choosing the technology that suits our needs in order to help achieve the desired goals.

1. Data Security

Data is an important company asset that must be protected. A hybrid cloud that also uses a private cloud can secure your company’s important and sensitive data.

2. Scalability

The challenge faced by the private cloud is the investment funds used to build, maintain and develop the network. But with a hybrid cloud, businesses can increase capacity as needed.

For example, if a company wants to develop a new application. With the use of a hybrid cloud, of course, this work will be faster and more efficient.

3. Redundancy

By using a Hybrid Cloud, you can be calmer if you experience a system failure because your critical data is safely stored through a private cloud and can be directly backed up via a public cloud.

4. Speed

One of the things to consider when developing an application is network speed. Hybrid cloud allows users to optimize the capabilities of this network and minimize latency.

5. Cost Efficiency

Another advantage of the Hybrid cloud is that it will be more cost efficient in the future. With Hybrid Cloud users can balance between guaranteed data security and data usage according to the user’s business needs.

6. Storage

Putting Hybrid Cloud technology into business allows you to get efficient storage. Its uses technology that has been integrate between private cloud and public cloud so that the capacity can be bigger.

Hybrid Cloud Disadvantages

Hybrid Cloud Disadvantages

Hybrid Cloud may have drawbacks that should be reconsidered before you use it. In some aspects, the following are the disadvantages of hybrid cloud.

1. Security Complexity

These two different cloud environments are a challenge in their use for business needs.

The security factor is not only from the two clouds, but various platforms, servers, services, etc. in the two cloud environments have different treatments.

2. The Initial Investment is Quite Large

Although the goal of using the cloud is to reduce costs, hybrid clouds still cost a lot of money upfront, especially when creating a private cloud.

However, even though the company issued a fairly large initial investment, the actual operational costs could adjust to the needs.

Companies can manage which services and applications will be implemented in the Private Cloud and in the Public Cloud. With a hybrid cloud, users can also reduce costs compared to using traditional infrastructure.

3. Lack of Visibility

Cloud computing is a complex system and it is difficult to operate if you do not have a clear picture of the system.

In the absence of a clear picture of the architecture and operations of a cloud will lead to critical issues in the cloud environment.


So should your company implement a hybrid cloud? This should consider the advantages and disadvantages of hybrid cloud itself, whether it is suitable for your company.

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However, hybrid cloud is a good choice for companies that want to be able to process and store sensitive data internally and still have high flexibility in developing an application system or service without high costs.

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