How to Make Area Charts More Interesting in Tableau

How to Make Area Charts More Interesting in Tableau

Area charts are a common way to visualize trends and patterns in data using Tableau. However, not all area charts are created equal. While they can be informative, they can also be boring and fail to engage your audience. That’s why it’s important to make your area charts interesting and engaging to keep your audience’s attention and help them understand the insights you’re presenting.

In this blog post, Foxietech will explore some tips and techniques you can use to make your area charts more interesting in Tableau. We’ll discuss how to add interactivity, use color effectively, incorporate text and annotations, experiment with different chart types, and tell a story with your data. By the end of this post, you’ll have a better understanding of how to create visually appealing and informative area charts that will captivate your audience.

Tips for Making Area Charts More Interesting

1. Add Interactivity

One of the most effective ways to make your area charts more engaging is by adding interactivity. Tableau offers several interactive features, such as tooltips, filters, and actions, that can help your audience explore your data and gain insights on their own. By providing interactive elements, you encourage your audience to actively engage with your area charts and increase their understanding of the data.

2. Use Color

Color can be a powerful tool for making your area charts more interesting and visually appealing. You can use color to highlight certain data points or trends, add contrast, or create a specific mood or theme. For example, you might use warm colors like red and orange to highlight areas of growth, while cool colors like blue and green could represent areas of decline. Just be careful not to overdo it and make your charts too busy.

3. Incorporate Text and Annotations

While area charts can be informative, they can also be difficult to interpret without context. Incorporating text and annotations can help provide the necessary context and make your charts more informative. For example, you could use labels to identify specific data points or trends, or add annotations to explain unusual or noteworthy data points. Be sure to use a legible font size and color that is easy to read against your chart’s background.

4. Experiment with Different Chart Types

Tableau offers a wide variety of chart types, and sometimes a different type of chart can help visualize your data in a more interesting way. For example, a stacked area chart can help illustrate the proportional composition of your data, while a stream graph can provide a more fluid and dynamic view of your data over time. Experimenting with different chart types can help you find the best way to visualize your data and make your area charts more interesting.

5. Tell a Story

Finally, remember that your area chart is a tool for telling a story with your data. Think about what story you want to tell and how your area chart can help convey that story. You could use annotations, headings, or other visual cues to guide your audience through the data and help them understand the insights you’re presenting. By telling a story with your data, you can make your area charts more interesting and meaningful to your audience.

By incorporating these tips, you can create area charts in Tableau that are not only informative but also engaging and visually appealing. In the next section, we’ll explore some examples of interesting area charts in Tableau to inspire your own creations.

Examples of Interesting Area Charts in Tableau

Now that we’ve discussed some tips and techniques for making your area charts more interesting, let’s take a look at some examples of area charts in Tableau that put these tips into practice.

1. Interactive Area Chart

Interactive Area Chart
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By hovering over different areas of the chart, users can see specific data points and trends for each device. This chart uses interactivity to engage the user and provide a more in-depth understanding of the data.

2. Colorful Area Chart

Colorful Area Chart
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By using a different color for each sub category, the chart is visually appealing and easy to understand. The warm colors used for the states with higher numbers of cases help emphasize the severity of the pandemic.

3. Annotated Area Chart

Annotated Area Chart
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The annotations provide context for the data and help the user understand the trends and patterns in the data. The use of color and a clear axis label also make the chart easy to read and interpret.

4. Different Chart Types

Different Chart Types
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By using a stacked area chart, the chart can show the contribution of each region to the overall sales figure. The chart also uses a different color for each region to make it visually appealing and easy to understand.

5. Storytelling Area Chart

Storytelling Area Chart
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This storytelling area chart shows the discounted sales and profit of a fictional company over time. By incorporating headings, annotations, and color, the chart tells a story of the company’s growth and financial success. The chart is visually appealing and engaging, while also providing valuable insights into the company’s financial performance.

By studying these examples and experimenting with different techniques, you can create your own interesting and engaging area charts in Tableau. Whether you use interactivity, color, annotations, different chart types, or storytelling, there are many ways to make your area charts more interesting and informative. In the next section, we’ll summarize the main points of this blog post and encourage you to try out these tips for yourself.


In conclusion, area charts are a powerful tool for visualizing data in Tableau. By following the tips and techniques we’ve discussed in this blog post, you can create more interesting and engaging area charts that stand out from the competition.

Remember to pay attention to the details of your chart, including the colors, labels, and annotations. Use interactivity and storytelling to make your chart more engaging, and experiment with different chart types to find the best way to represent your data.

By taking the time to create an interesting and informative area chart, you can help your audience better understand your data and make more informed decisions. So go ahead and try out these tips for yourself, and see how you can make your area charts more interesting and impactful in Tableau.

1 comment
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