How to Hack a Facebook Account in 6 Steps is Proven to Work

hack facebook

The more here, the more Facebook users who want to know how to hack someone else’s facebook account. Even though this method is quite easy to do, even if you are a lay user, by following the steps I share.

To do this, of course, you only use the browser application and the Facebook application. That way, of course, it can give you the convenience of hacking other people’s facebook accounts according to your wishes.

There may be several reasons why you want to hack someone else’s account. The reason is in the form of wanting to know the contents of chat messages for couples, friends, family, and so on. Because every user who hacks has their own reasons.

There are several ways to hack a Facebook account that you can do, namely through the Sam Hacker site, fbpasshacker, the forgotten password method, and so on. In this way, of course, it can give you convenience in hacking.

Not only that, in this Facebook application you can also use the feature to report a hacked Fb account. If your facebook account is hacked by someone who wants to take over your facebook account.

How to Hack Facebook Account

In general, there are six ways to hack a facebook account that you can do easily. Here are the steps that I will share below on how to hack someone else’s Facebook account. Of course you can practice it yourself.

Note: If you want to hack someone’s account, you should use it in a positive way. So that later you can’t harm other people, with this, of course, you can maintain the good name of someone you hacked their Facebook account.

1. Via the HyperCracker Site

Through this hypercracker site, of course, it can help you easily hack the Fb account you want. The reason is, you only need to do these steps through the browser application that is available by default on the smartphone you have.

Here are the steps on how to hack a facebook account via the hypercracker site:

  1. First open your browser application first
  2. Then visit the site
  3. Once open, then enter the target username in the column provided
  4. Make sure the username you type starts with http://address
  5. If this step fails, then you also fail to hack the target account
  6. After that, click on hack this facebook account
  7. If the username you entered is correct, then the Facebook will be hacked
  8. Done

2. With the Forgot password method

The first step how to hack a facebook account that you can do is to do the forgot password method. The method is quite easy for you to do, but you only need to use the Facebook application itself.

The steps you can take are as follows:

  1. Open your Facebook application first
  2. On the smartphone you have
  3. Select the forgotten account or forgot password option
  4. Then click your email or phone number to search for an account
  5. After you have successfully entered your email or phone number, then click search
  6. Then Facebook will send a recovery code to your email account
  7. Click continue to complete the process
  8. Later a message will appear, write check email whether you received a message containing the code
  9. The code is 6 digits long
  10. Then enter the recovery code
  11. Then click continue
  12. After that, create a new password
  13. Done

3. Via the Fbpasshacker Site

The next way to hack a facebook account that you can do is through the fbpasshacker site. Through this site, it is not much different from the previous one, and the function is the same, namely to hack someone’s Facebook account.

The steps you can take are as follows:

  1. Open your browser application first
  2. Then visit the site
  3. On the start page you select facebook account online hacker
  4. Then enter the target link that you copied
  5. After that, click the hack fb account button
  6. Done

4. Through Recovery

The last step how to hack a facebook account that you can do is through recovery. This way, of course, it can help you easily hack the target account by simply copying the username link.

The steps you can take are as follows:

  1. First open the facebook application that you have
  2. Then look for the account that you want to hack
  3. Then copy the address of the target’s facebook username link
  4. Usually the victim’s username url is in the format like account name
  5. Then you immediately log out of your Facebook account
  6. Go to the find your account section
  7. Enter the username link that you copied earlier in the column provided
  8. Then you will see the email used by the target and the cellphone number
  9. Click doesn’t have access here anymore
  10. Next a box will appear to fill in a new email
  11. Please enter your email address that you have never used or have not registered on Facebook
  12. There will be some security questions from the Facebook side
  13. Answer the questions given properly and correctly
  14. Or you can also choose to recover an account with the help of a friend
  15. If you have answered the security question correctly
  16. Later, a change password or a new password will appear
  17. Enter the new password as you wish
  18. After that, login to the Facebook account
  19. Done

5. Via Forgetten Account

If you want to hack the Facebook account on the target you want, then you can borrow the cellphone first. Its function is, so that you can easily hack the target account.

Here are the steps on how to hack a facebook account via a forgotten account:

  1. Make sure you know the target email address
  2. Then you enter the email or phone number into the login field and tap forgetten account
  3. Then click on the reset password option using the provided method
  4. Then click continue to continue
  5. Follow the steps given by Facebook so that you get the password from the target’s Fb account
  6. After getting the target’s new password and email
  7. Next login again with a new password
  8. Make sure you are not logged out
  9. After that, the target’s fb account will change hands to you
  10. Done

6. Via Sam Hacker’s Site

The next step how to hack a facebook account that you can do is through the sam hacker website. With this site, of course, it can help you hack the target facebook you want easily.

Here are the steps on how to hack a facebook account via the sam hacker site:

  1. First open your browser application first
  2. Then visit the website
  3. On the main page of sam hacker
  4. Enter the email address of the account you want to hack
  5. Click on the hack option to start the hacking process
  6. If you want to know more tutorials on how to hack a facebook account on Sam Hacker, then you can click the view demo option
  7. The hacking process will take about 2 to 3 minutes
  8. Then the Fb account password will be displayed
  9. After that, you can enter the Fb password into your email
  10. To be able to log in later
  11. Done


That was the discussion about how to hack a facebook account, how easy is it, isn’t it? That way you don’t need to be confused again if at another time you want to hack someone else’s facebook account. Because you can do it.

Thus the discussion this time, hopefully it can be very useful for all of you and don’t forget to share it on your respective social media so that other Facebook application users can find out some of the things above very easily.

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