31 Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology

Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology

Currently, information and communication technology is one type of technology that is developing very rapidly. Indeed, as a technology that is growing rapidly, information and communication technology must have several advantages and disadvantages.

Through its flagship feature, namely the internet, currently communication and information technology is like one of the types of technology that ranks at the top, both from the positive side, the negative side, to its use.

Some are aware of it, and some may not be aware of it, because it has become part of a certain individual’s personality.

The following are positive and negative impacts that can be felt in everyday life. On this occasion Foxietech will provide all information about the advantages and disadvantages of technology

Advantages of Technology

Advantages of Technology

1. Easier Access to the Latest Information

This is one of the main advantages of increasing the flow of information technology. With the information and communication technology that is growing very rapidly, anyone will be able to get information easily.

Access to this information can be done anytime, anywhere, and from anyone. This will help individuals to improve their information and knowledge. Although sometimes the reliability and validity of the information is questioned.

This is a sign that the use of the internet to communicate is one of the most popular choices. Because it can connect to anyone from anywhere in the world.

This is where the role of the advantages of computer networks as a source of internet use becomes more optimal.

2. Speed ​​Up the Flow of Information

The flow of information today is very fast, even tends to be out of control until now. however, this is one of the positive impacts. Because it can provide information about an event quickly, although sometimes it is inaccurate and inaccurate.

The flow of information with feedback which is a characteristic of information systems is one of the factors in the development of visible information and communication.

So that it provides its own advantages for each user. Especially with regard to the internet, the development of computer networks is becoming increasingly rapid as internet usage is increasing.

3. Helping Individuals in Finding Information

In seeking new and warm information, information and communication technology plays an important role.

With the flow of information becoming much faster, individuals will find it easier to find the information they want.

4. Social Media

Social media is also another advantages of the development of information and communication technology besides the disadvantages.

It can provide a lot of advantages, one of which is being able to reconcile individuals with new people, and increase relationships between individuals.

For example, one of them is facebook. This fairly large site is one of the social media that people use the most.

Not only to increase the network of friends in cyberspace, Facebook is also a means of promotion in business.

The benefits of Facebook for users are very useful, especially for running a business, be it a small business or a large business.

5. Facilitate Communication

Communication is one of the most important things that must be woven by humans, as social beings.

With the existence of information and communication technology, it is now easier to communicate with other people.

If in the past we had to wait for days to use the post. Now, with the development of information and communication technology, we can send messages in seconds, quickly and easily.

This is one of the driving factors causing computer technology to develop rapidly. Chatting is a favorite thing for some people, especially now that smartphone use is increasing in all circles.

6. Entertainment Media

The next use of information and communication technology is in terms of entertainment. Information and communication technology currently supports entertainment media that are very diverse for everyone.

For example, from entertainment media in the form of games, music, and also ideas, many people can be lost and also released from stress because of the entertainment offered by the development of information and communication technology.

The function of technology and information and communication can also be an entertainment option that is quite simple for some people.

Not only as a medium of information, the use of the internet can be one thing to stretch the mind, for example by watching videos that are widely spread on the internet.

However, it should be noted that this entertainment event is a positive thing to eliminate boredom, not to access negative content that has a bad impact on users.

7. Provide Better Educations

Another advantages that is most felt from the development of information and communication technology is in the field of education.

Subject matter and all things related to education will become easier to access and obtain. So that this will also help increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the educational needs for each individual in everyday life.

This is the benefit of studying computer science that can be used to help complete school assignments and college assignments.

It is undeniable that the role of technology also contributes to the development of the wider, and more advanced world of education in the future.

8. Sharing Files Easily

Files and documents are now a necessity for everyone. Whether from music files or important documents, can be shared using the internet which is a product of information and communication technology.

Every user can easily share files and documents with each other, even now we can easily store our files in cloud storage, or storage media on the internet.

The activity of sharing files to the destination user certainly requires security that is safe enough so that the shared data remains confidential until the user in question accepts it.

How to maintain computer network security needs to be considered so that the shared data is maintained.

9. Help Solve Problems Easily

Information and communication technology also has a positive impact in terms of problem solving.

With better communication and faster information flow, information and communication technology can be a solution to problems.

10. As a Location for Buying and Selling business

Currently, there are many new jobs that are generated due to the development of information and communication technology, namely online shops and online businesses.

This shifts the superiority of selling goods through physical stores, because it is considered cheaper, more practical and also more efficient in terms of product marketing.

With this online store, there will be more and more employment opportunities, where people who previously didn’t have jobs can finally have jobs by selling online.

This is where the function of information systems is needed, you can also use online communication media as a means of promoting business.

Disadvantages of Technology

Disadvantages of Technology

Although it has many positive impacts, it turns out that information and communication technology has several disadvantages that are quite disturbing in daily life.

Most of these are caused by misuse of information and communication technology, or due to a user’s lack of understanding of ethics and also how to use information and communication technology properly and correctly.

The following are some of the disadvantages of information and communication technology are:

  1. Individuals become lazy to socialize physically
  2. Increased fraud and cyber crime
  3. Cyber ​​Bullying
  4. Negative content that is growing rapidly
  5. Widespread slander and defamation
  6. Keep those who are near
  7. Neglect of duties and also work
  8. Wasting time on useless things
  9. Decreased learning achievement and also one’s work ability

In addition, there are also disadvantages of technology and their solutions:

1. Cruelty

Cruelty and sadism are also widely displayed on the computer. Because the content of the internet world is not limited, site owners use various ways to sell their sites.

One of them is by displaying things that show cruelty and sadism. Experimental studies show that there is a positive correlation between playing computer games and crime rates among young people.

Especially computer games that contain elements of violence and homicide. There is even a study that shows that games played on computers are more destructive than violence on television or violence in real life.

This occurs especially in children. They will have a lack of sensitivity to each other, triggering the emergence of behaviors aggressive and sadistic in children.

And can lead to incentives for children to act as criminal as they see it (imitating violent scenes).


These disadvantages can be minimized with the participation of parents. First of all, it is parents who should introduce computers and the internet to their children, not other people.

Introducing computers and the internet also means introducing their benefits and their intended use.

Furthermore, parents must be able to control and monitor the extent to which their children use computers and the internet.

Such as installing software specifically designed to protect the ‘health’ of children. For example, the nany chip or parent lock program can protect children by locking all access that smells of sex and violence.

Arrange the placement of computers in public spaces of the house, such as the library, family room, and not in the child’s room. Provide time limits and schedules in computer use.

2. Dependence

Computer media has an attractive quality that can respond to any stimulus given by its users. It’s too attractive, making users seem to have found their own world that makes them feel comfortable and doesn’t want to let go.

We can use the computer as a stress reliever by playing existing games.


Addiction can be overcome or minimized with the help of the environment and the people around us, which can make addict users aware by offering other activities that are more interesting than those offered by computers.

As well as providing motivation to increase activities outside the home (busy yourself) such as sports, traveling, socializing with friends, there will be less time spent in front of the computer.

3. Dont Care About Environtment

One of the effects of computer abuse is antisocial behavior. Where computer users no longer care about their social environment and tend to prioritize computers.

In addition, the computer user no longer cares about what is going on around him, the only thing that can attract his attention is the computer.

People will interact less often with the environment around them. So that their interpersonal and emotional abilities do not develop optimally.

Over time, a person will find it difficult to establish communication and build relationships with the people around him.

If this is not addressed immediately, it will have a very bad impact, where humans will eventually become very individualistic and there will be no more interaction or socialization.


Antisocial behavior can be overcome by creating self-awareness of the bad effects of antisocial behavior and starting to increase activities outside the home with family or friends, such as sports together, traveling, hanging out with friends, etc.

That way a person will feel that socializing with others is a need in addition to his need for computers.

4. Lazy

The use of computers technology also has a disadvantages on the world of education besides the advantages.

Someone, especially children who are accustomed to using computers, tend to be lazy. Because they become more interested in playing computer than doing assignments or studying.


The solution to minimize these disadvantages of technology is to maximize the participation of parents in giving attention, understanding and guiding children in learning and playing.

So that if children feel they are excessive in using computers, parents can immediately limit and prevent dependence.

5. Pornography

The assumption that the internet is synonymous with pornography is not wrong. With the ability to deliver information owned by the internet, pornography is rampant.

There are so many pornographic sites on the internet, disturbing many parties, especially parents who are worried that their children will consume pornographic things.

On the internet there are pornographic images that can lead to an impetus for someone to act criminally. Ironically, there are sites that do make children their target audience.

They are trying to create a site that is likely to have connection with children and they often explore.


The solution to minimize the impact of pornography is not much different from the solution to minimize the negative impact of cruelty and sadism.

In this case, first of all, it is parents who should introduce computers and the internet to children, not other people.

Introducing computers and the internet also means introducing their benefits and their intended use.

Furthermore, parents must be able to control and monitor the extent to which their children use computers and the internet.

Responding to the Advances of Technology

Advances of Information Technology

Advances in information technology have brought many advantages and disadvantages in our lives.

Therefore it is very important for us to know how to respond to information technology to avoid the influence of negative things that are also brought by these technological advances.

The attitude that we can take towards the advancement of information technology is knowing and adjusting our needs for the information we want to get through information technology.

Knowing the extent of our privacy and respecting the privacy of others by using the advantages of information technology as well as its use properly and correctly, and does not violate applicable regulations.

Thus, the disadvantages of advances in information technology will be minimized and maximally suppressed.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology in Education

Information and Communication Technology ( ICT ) and as part of science and technology in general are all technologies related to the retrieval, collection, processing, storage, dissemination, and presentation of information. In the field of education, ICT has many roles.

Information technology has become fluent in transferring books, teachers and previously conventional teaching systems.

Causes of Information Technology science in growing and developing. However, Information and Communication Technology also has advantages and disadvantages on life, one of which stands out in the field of education.

Advantages of Technology in Education

Advantages of Information and Communication Technology in Education

1. The Creation of a Virtual Class

ICT advances will also allow the development of virtual or classroom-based teleconferencing classes that do not require educators and students to be in the same room.

2. The Development of Information and Educational Innovation

The information needed to become faster and easier in accessing educational goals. Innovation in learning grows in the face of e-learning innovations that further facilitate the educational process.

3. The Emergence of Mass Media.

Especially electronic media as a source of knowledge and central education.

4. Administration System Becomes Easier

The administrative system at educational institutions will be easier and smoother because of the implementation of the ICT system.

5. Increasing the Quality of Learning Resources

With advances in technology, the learning process does not have to bring together students and teachers, but can also use postal services, the internet and others.

6. The Emergence of New Learning Methods

With technological advances creating new methods that make students able to understand abstract material. Because material can be made with the help of abstract technology.

7. ICT as a Decision Support System in the World of Education

Teachers improve their competence in various fields of science and the profile of educational institutions recognized by the Government.

8. Quality of Human Resources

Improving the quality of human resources through the development and utilization of information and communication technology.

9. Consultation with Experts

Expert consultation in the field of invitations can be done easily even if there are too many experts on the spot.

10. Sharing Research Results

Research published on the internet will be easily used by other people around the world quickly.

11. Online Discussion

It is a discussion conducted via the internet.

12. Online Library

An online library is a library in digital form.

13. ICT for Simulation and Modelling

The use of ICT for simulation and modeling in science and mathematics has proven effective. As it has word processing and communication (e-mail) software in the development of students’ language and communication skills.

14. Online Class

Online classroom applications can be used for distance education institutions, such as universities and open schools.

“Computer Aided Instruction” has seen a slight improvement in student performance on multiple choice, standardized testing in several areas.

Computer Aided (or assisted) Instruction (CAI), which generally refers to student self-study or tutorials on a PC, has been shown to slightly improve students’ test scores in reading and math skills or other subjects, despite whether these improvements correlated with significant improvements in student learning.

Disadvantages of Technology in Education

Disadvantages of Information and Communication Technology in Education

There is a huge cost involved between poor students and education which can end up being a loss. This is often referred to as the digital divide factor.

Some of the disadvantages of Information Technology Communication in education, among others:

1. Misuse of Knowledge

Misuse of knowledge for certain people to commit criminal acts. We know that advances in education also print a generation of high-knowledge but low-moral e-books.

For example, with high computer science people will try to break through the banking system and others.

2. Infringement of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)

IT advancements will make it easier to violate Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) because of easy access to data that causes plagiarists to commit fraud.


Thus technology will develop very rapidly in the next decade. The article above is some of the advantages and disadvantages of technology in various aspects.

But what we need now is to distill all the progress into a benefit. Both for individuals and groups in society.

Hopefully the article on the advantages and disadvantages of technology above helps you.

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